Adventure Awaits
As a kid, I remember being dragged along to watch vacation slideshows that my parents’ friends had taken of their overseas trips. After dinner we would gather in the living room as new worlds were revealed to us through tiny squares projected on a screen at best or often just the living room wall. Whilst at first I remember being fascinated, I also know I quickly grew tired as their voices droned on about something somewhere that I had yet to experience myself.
This particular memory surfaced this week as I scrolled through the photos from our recent trip to the Galápagos Islands. There are too many to post. Too many little squares to show you. Too many stories not to bore you, because I’m aware it was me that was there, not you.
So how can I tell you that it was one of the most special places I’ve been to on planet earth? How my soul did a flip to set foot on a new continent that had whispers of my southern hemisphere home, but was also entirely different? How the penguins and sea lions were like travel guides showing us what was above the waterline and below as we snorkeled with them and watched them play? How we climbed volcanic craters, walked the most beautiful beaches, and fared some very rough seas in a very small boat - something our family of 5 won’t easily forget. How we played cards on rainy afternoons, ate every meal together, and got the funniest photo of us with a giant 150 year old tortoise that looks like it’s been photoshopped?
The truth is, I can’t. So instead, please see this as an invitation. If you’d ever like to come over for dinner, I’ll pull out the projector and you’d be more than welcome to see the 88 new bird species Greg added to his list along with countless other photos and stories we have to share.
Ecuador, you were breathtaking. Thank you for showing us your abundant wildlife and beautiful, hospitable people. We join you on the quest to save our world so future generations can enjoy the privilege we’ve had of seeing and experiencing what we did on this trip!